
December 16, 2020

The MOST workgroup met to discuss asset management and the requirements and recommendation for an enterprise tool for desktop management. The asset management group was made into an official workgroup, sanctioned by ITMC. Multiple agencies have joined forces to discuss enterprise IT asset management for the state of Montana. A demo of the asset management tool within ServiceNow is scheduled for January 7, 2021.

Desktop management requirements and an enterprise recommendation were also discussed. Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager is begin used by most agencies already, so it seemed an easy transition to an enterprise tool. There was discussion on whether the recommendation would need to be hosted at an enterprise level, or if agencies can continue to manage their own environments. At this time, the workgroup agreed to move forward with a recommendation of common tool for all, but not require the enterprise hosting. Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager will be the enterprise tool for desktop management.

October 22, 2020

The MOST workgroup met to discuss the continuing work on asset management and desktop management. Agencies have completed their moves to the common service desk tool, ServiceNow. The workshops for asset management have been scheduled, with some being held in September and continuing through October. The group is gathering information on the best practices for rolling out an enterprise asset management program.

The work of finetuning the requirement for Desktop management continues. We are working to move requirements that are met by other tools into a separate document. The subgroup should have a recommendation for MOST to review soon.

August 31, 2020

The MOST workgroup discussed the agency ServiceDesk transition to ServiceNow. There are 11 agencies already in Production, and 8 agencies in process of moving. Although the Executive Order only request Executive Branch agencies to move, several non-Exec branch agencies also made the move. This will help us get a more wholistic view of ServiceDesk use across state government.

Asset Management was one of the modules included in the large ServiceNow package purchase. SITSD is working with ServiceNow to schedule a workshop to discuss hardware and software asset management. These will be separate efforts and will include agency input on both requirements gathering and implementation.

SITSD and MDT will work together to provide previously gathered requirements to Executive Branch agencies regarding Desktop Management. The agencies will be asked to provide input for a comprehensive list of requirements. The team will review options for solutions and present them to the MOST workgroup as soon as possible.

April 22, 2020

The MOST workgroup recommended in December that a common enterprise information technology service desk system be used throughout Executive branch agencies. Most agencies have begun the transition to the new tool, ServiceNow. In March the MOST workgroup discussed a larger ServiceNow package offering available to the entire state. This ServiceNow package gives the state the ability to help with current and urgent needs now, especially as they relate to COVID-19. Many agencies have seen the ServiceNow offerings and are interested in using the various modules.

The workgroup recommended approval of the ServiceNow package offer. We are working with the Governor’s budget office to finalize details on payment for the package. At a high level this package offers IT service management, business management, operations management, asset management, customer service, security services, and business applications and workflows. More information on what the package offers and how agencies can use it is in process and will be provided soon.

December 16, 2019

The MOST workgroup continued to discuss options for desktop management and asset management. A technical workgroup is likely to be formed to discuss asset management in more detail. We are gathering additional requirements for desktop management and will reach out to all agencies to gather input.

The workgroup also recommended that all Executive Branch agencies covered under Executive Order 09-2016 use a common enterprise information technology service desk system. This recommendation was adopted by State Chief Information Officer Tim Bottenfield. Migration to the enterprise tool must occur by June 30, 2020, unless an agency is granted an exception. SITSD will assist Executive Branch agencies in the migration process. Affected agencies can expect SITSD to reach out soon with more information.

October 21, 2019

Helpdesk: Numerous agencies have or are in the process of implementing ServiceNow (6 total to date). There is a general commitment from the other Cabinet agencies to move in this direction. We’re looking at a possible target date of end of FY2020 for Cabinet agencies to transition to this platform—unless contract obligations or other factors would require a later implementation date for some agencies. Discussed exploring cost model and drafting an implementation schedule/plan for feedback. SITSD ready to support and train agency IT staff. Discussed the other benefits of ServiceNow in the work flow arena, such as onboarding processes--DOA has already built this flow that others could take an modify for their use.

Desktop Management: Currently in the analysis phase. MDT has offered to provide a business analyst resource to document business and functional requirements across agencies (e.g., remote device management, etc.). Many agencies are using SCCM today. Once business requirements are defined—a solution would be explored to meet those needs.

Asset Management: Discussed further exploration of the capability of ServiceNow and plan to schedule a demo and invite agency IT staff. Following this demo—possible approach could be to form a cross-agency technical team to further explore this topic and possible solution.

The workgroup also discussed the need to clarify whether this work includes Cabinet level agencies only. There are smaller attached agencies, such as MPERA, TRS, etc., and wondered if they should be included in the initial helpdesk ServiceNow efforts since they have their own internal IT staff and processes.

August 23, 2019

The Optimization workgroup is interested in accurately understanding the current state of information technology across the executive branch. We’ll be going out soon with a survey to Cabinet agency CIOs to determine where we are with respect to desktop services, asset management, and security. We’re interested in knowing what activities are underway in these areas, what tools exist, and how effective are these activities and tools in meeting your needs. The results will help to inform and focus next steps for the workgroup.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this effort.

July 16, 2019


The Montana Optimization of State Technology Workgroup has held its initial two meetings, focusing on organizational issues, scope and direction of the optimization effort, and communication. Our goal is to examine the current state of information technology services and activities across state government, identifying what is working well and where there might be opportunities to improve. The workgroup is committed to going into this process without preconceived notions of solutions, instead allowing the identified needs to drive discussion of options for improvement. The workgroup is further committed to ensuring our analysis and recommendations are driven by cost-effectively meeting the business needs of agencies balanced with functional and efficiency needs across state government. The group consists of a good cross section of business, IT and policy leaders from a variety of agencies, allowing for diverse perspectives and experiences.

We’ve talked at length in these first two meetings about the importance of transparency and communication. Right now the group is meeting 1-2 times per month, and we will post notes from each meeting on the website at We will also communicate this information through a variety of channels, including Cabinet calls and meetings of the Information Technology Managers’ Council and the Information Technology Board. We’re considering other feedback mechanisms to allow for broader comment.

One of the Governor’s overall commitments is to leave state government in the best condition possible. In support of that, we intend to move forward at a pace that allows implementation of any selected recommendations by the end of calendar year 2020, while also allowing time for thoughtful discussion of alternatives during our analysis.

We’ll keep you posted.


June 20, 2019

The Governor’s Office, in partnership with the Department of Administration, has formed the Montana Optimization of State Technology (MOST) Workgroup for the purpose of exploring the feasibility of centralizing some IT services and support within the Department of Administration. This would NOT include any type of reduction in force options or activities. Based on case studies and best practice trends across the country, proven benefits have been realized through centralization of some IT services.

Along with the Governor’s Office, Executive Branch agencies represented in this group include the Departments of Administration, Agriculture, Environmental Quality, Fish Wildlife and Parks, Natural Resources and Conservation, Public Health and Human Services, Revenue, and Transportation.

For those not represented, the workgroup will provide a mechanism for agency heads to provide feedback associated with this exploration process.

There will be transparent communications and effective two-way dialogue throughout this process as the workgroup evaluates potential options.